In 2014, the RPT started the year with 20.792 certified professionals in 121 countries. These numbers confirm the hard work performed in the tennis industry in the last 25 years. The RPT was founded in Madrid, Spain in 1989, and it was there where it started its international expansion, which today has three divisions:
Europe & Africa | 14.970 | 72% |
America | 4.367 | 21% |
Asia & Pacifc | 1.455 | 7% |
Total | 20.792 | 100 % |
The tennis professionals certified by the RPT are in 121 countries:
Albania | Germany | Andorra | Antigua | Netherlands Antilles | Saudi Arabia | Argelia |
Argentina | Armenia | Aruba | Australia | Austria | Bahamas | Bahrein |
Barbados | Belgium | Bermuda | Belarus | Bolivia | Bosnia and Herzegovina | Brazil |
Bulgaria | Cape Verde | Cameroon | Canada | Chile | China | Cyprus |
Colombia | Costa Rica | Croatia | Cuba | Denmark | Ecuador | Egypt |
Arab Emirates | Scotia | Slovakia | Slovenia | Spain | USA | Estonia |
Ethiopia | El Salvador | Philippines | Finland | France | Wales | Ghana |
Gibraltar | Greece | Guatemala | Haiti | Holland | Honduras | Hong Kong |
Hungary | India | Indonesia | Islandia | Cayman Islands | Mauritius Island | Seychelles Islands |
Virgin Islands | Israel | Italy | Jamaica | Japan | Kenya | Kuwait |
Liechtenstein | Lithuania | Luxemburg | Macan | Madagascar | Malawi | Malaysia |
Malta | Morocco | Mexico | Monaco | Nicaragua | Nigeria | Northern Ireland |
Norway | New Zealand | Oman | Pakistan | Palestine | Panama | Paraguay |
Peru | Poland | Portugal | Puerto Rico | Qatar | United Kingdom | Czech Republic |
Ireland | Dominican Republic | Romania | Russia | Samoa | Senegal | Serbia |
Singapore | Syria | Sri Lanka | South Africa | Sweden | Switzerland | San Marino |
Thailand | Taiwan | Tunisia | Turkey | Ukraine | Uruguay | Venezuela |
Vietnam | Zimbawe |
The RPT has done a phenomenal job boosting “Spanish Tennis”, by teaching training courses to more than 5.000 coaches in all the autonomous regions and almost all of the cities in Spain. The contribution to the development of tennis in the country speaks for itself, supporting coaches and academies that have generated all the wonderful players that have received so many international accolades in the last two decades.
- 03 - 04 April | Singapore
- Coaches Workshops
- 05 - 06 April | Phuket, Thailand
- Coaches Workshops
- 07 - 08 April | Phuket, Thailand
- Tournament Tough Players Programme
- 09 - 11 April | Kuala Lumpa, Malaysia
- Level 1
- 14 - 16 April | Singapore
- Level 1