Certification Information
In 2014, the RPT started the year with 20.792 certified professionals in 121 countries, with the highest level of certifications in the tennis industry. The RPT has trained more than 50.000 coaches in its 25 year history through its diverse educational programs.
All of our certifications are recognized by the: European Registry of Tennis Professionals (RPT Europe), International Registry of Tennis Professionals (RPT International), Registro Profesional de Tenis Latinoamericano (RPT Latinoamérica), International Coaches Institute (ICI), United States Professional Tennis Association (USPTA), European Community Certificate Supplement (UE), Asociación de Profesionales de la Enseñanza de Tenis de España (APE tenis España), Asian Registry of Tennis Professionals (RPT Asia), American Registry of Tennis Professionals (RPT América), Professional Tennis Coaches Association (PTCA) & ESTESS Group.
International Master Professional. To mark the 20th anniversary of the RPT, the Executive Committee created the highest level of certification in order to recognize and reward those who have dedicated their lives to teaching tennis and developing our sport, in addition to helping the RPT in its global expansion.
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CERTIFICATION: Tennis Director
Upon completion of the World Tour, all participants may choose to receive the certification of Tennis Director.
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- 03 - 04 April | Singapore
- Coaches Workshops
- 05 - 06 April | Phuket, Thailand
- Coaches Workshops
- 07 - 08 April | Phuket, Thailand
- Tournament Tough Players Programme
- 09 - 11 April | Kuala Lumpa, Malaysia
- Level 1
- 14 - 16 April | Singapore
- Level 1